Sunday, November 1, 2015

Making Pokémon deck boxes

I think some of the single colored deck boxes have just the right color to transform into pokémon themed deck boxes.

Here are the Ditto and Pikachu boxes I made.

I used Sharpies for everything apart from the white which is Tippex (white out).

Sadly I didn't think to take pictures of the the Gengar box before I gave it away as a prize at a local pokémon card tournament.

Friday, September 4, 2015

More What to do with old pokémon wrappers

I made this little zipper pouch from old wrappers to give away as at a local tournament.

Here is how I did it:

  • I ironed together three packets per side on a low temperature.
    • I placed them under a tea towel to help dissipate the heat.
    • They stick together enough to make it easier to manipulate them.
  • I placed the packet panels between layers of sticky back plastic.
  • I sewed the resulting panels onto either side of a 25cm zipper.
  • I put the picture sides together and sewed up the remaining 3 sides.
  • Finally I turned it right side out.
The kids still talk about this pouch which is big enough to hold pencils although the winner of this particular one uses it for holding dice. :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What to do with old pokémon wrappers

Over the years I've saved pokémon wrappers from each series and finally I've done something with them.

This bag is a perfect size for holding a deck box, damage counters and good luck items while one is playing in a tournament or league. 

The bag is made using sticky backed plastic inside and out. The bottom is a thin piece of cardboard also between the layers of plastic. I printed an image and put it on top of the cardboard (inside the plastic) to make the bottom look nice.

Aligning the wrappers one at a time can be tricky. For the long sides I actually ironed the two wrappers together. I used a low heat and baking paper above and below the wrappers to protect the iron. The wrappers fuse together pretty easily although it isn't very strong. If the temperature is a little too high the silvery side loses its luster.